One of our favorites for summer: beading loom bracelets! They are absolute eye-catchers for the wrist - and best of all: You can design them individually! Whether color or pattern: Everything according to your ideas!
We will show you how you can easily make your own bracelet yourself with a little patience!
· Loom
Delica (1.6mm)
Miyuki yarn (0.15mm)
· a needle - we recommend the Big Eye needle
· Satin cord (0.7mm)
· two sealing caps
· two small beads for the ends
If you would like to think about a sample in advance, you can download the following PDF: PDF Download
How many Delica do I need?
Difficult to say as of course it depends on the number of colors and the pattern! In principle, however, one should assume that with three different colors, the bottles for three bracelets with a length of 16 cm are sufficient.
Is one pack of the satin cord enough?
Yes definitely! Because you need roughly a meter for the covering of the frame and about 50cm for the macrame clasp.
The smaller caps work best for bracelets that have 9 Delicas per row.
Now to the instructions:
First of all, the weaving frame has to be covered. The rule here is: don't despair! This may seem a bit tiring the first time, but gradually it becomes routine!
Step 1: The small metal rod must be inserted into the holes provided. This pulls the frame together a little - if you loosen the stick later, the frame is even better stretched!
Step 2: We design most of our bracelets so that satin cords are stretched on the outside. On the one hand, this allows you to bring more color into play, and on the other hand, the bracelet looks a bit more "closed" than with the Miyuki yarn.
There are two buttons on the back of the loom. The satin cords are now attached to these. To do this, I cut about a meter off the satin cord and first put it in the middle around the first button - that means that I can lead 50cm over the loom to the other button. Here you can simply knot the other end.
Important: Do not wrap around the metal rod, as this will be pulled out at the end!
This is where the little grooves on the sides of the loom come into play: if I want to make a bracelet with 9 beads per row, I need 10 strands total. 2 already consist of my satin cords, so 8 more Miyuki threads will be added in the next step. Why all this? Because there must be exactly one thread between each individual Delica! And these threads are carefully placed in the individual grooves.
For this reason I have to leave 8 small grooves between the satin cords!
In other words: I lead the two sides of the satin cord over to the other side in such a way that I still have 8 free grooves in between! On the other side I knot the satin cord around the button there!
Step 3: Now I take my Miyuki yarn and tie it to one of the buttons. Then I thread the yarn from the button through the first groove next to the satin cord – I can choose whether it is right or left – and pull the yarn over to the other side. There I also guide the yarn through the first groove next to the satin cord - of course through the groove that is directly opposite.
Then I guide the yarn around the button on this side and now pull it through the second groove. Now back over to the other side, there also through the second groove, around the button, through the third groove and over again!
I do this until I have guided my yarn through the last free groove. Now I just tie it tightly around the button on the appropriate side!
Important: Always tie a tight knot! It is best to use several knots on top of each other!
Now I can very carefully remove the metal rod from the loom - this gives the frame even more tension!
Step 4: Now that the loom is strung, let's get started! Simply put the desired colors on a non-slip surface - such as a bead sorting board - and off you go!
Step 5: The Delicas are threaded on Miyuki yarn. I cut about ten feet of yarn and thread the end through the Big Eye needle. To prevent the thread from slipping out again during threading, I first guide it back and forth through the taut Miyuki strands in preparation. I always go under and over the strands.
Important: At the end, the thread should be positioned so that it sticks out over the satin cord - so that it can then be passed under it!
Step 6: Now I thread 9 Delicas onto the needle. Since the first row of the bracelet disappears into the cap at the end anyway, you don't have to start with the pattern here.
I now pull the Delicas to the end of the thread and press them against the loom from below with my index finger. So each Delica gets its own place between the strands!
Important: You have to work carefully here - it is a little more difficult to grasp the individual positions, especially at the beginning of the bracelet, but it is immediately noticeable if you have not placed the Delicas correctly!
Step 7: While pushing up the Delicas with your finger, thread the thread around the satin cord and through the Delicas. Here it is important that you push the beads up properly so that you catch all of them when you thread through them!
Now pull the thread through the beads. It is now lying in such a way that it looks out over the satin cord and you can equip it with new beads again!
Step 8: Step 6 and 7 are now simply continued! You thread pearls, put them under the slack and put the thread over the satin cord into the pearls and pull the thread through!
Important: Pay attention to the pattern! Because it is very tedious to correct a mistake that you only discover after a few rows! You can find a template to print out and color in here
Step 9: When you're done threading, it's best to cut the threads as close to the buttons as possible. This gives you more leeway - because the threads have to be knotted together in the next step!
Step 10: Now the threads have to be knotted together! I divide the 10 threads as follows: I knot the thread with one side of the satin cord, then I take four of the Miyuki strands and tie them, I do the same with the other four Miyuki threads, and finally with the other satin cord. So I get four little knots at the end!
Important: You should place the knots as close as possible to the Delica rows - the closer the knots are to them, the less you can see the threads at the end!
Step 11: Now for the caps, I just slip the four knots into the cap along with a row of the Delicas and then use flat nose pliers to close them!
Step 12: We usually use the macrame technique for the closure! It is super practical and you can pick up the color of the satin cord again! You can see how the technology works in our video!
--> Click here for the macrame instructions: Macrame instructions
Alternatively, you can of course also attach a carabiner with counter ring and/or extension chain!
Step 13: Put on the finished bracelet happily!
Have fun crafting. Your Sarah.
PS Here ↓ you will find some items in the compilation that you might need.